Silly Quiz About Me and Sweetie
OK I am having some fun tonight, I am going to answer these questions about me as well as my Sweetie.
Your full name: Me: Melissa; Sweetie: Terry
Age: Me: 28; Sweetie: 30
Height: Me: 5'0"; Sweetie: 5'10"
Natural hair color: Me: Dark Blonde/Light Brown - My hair has naturally darkened over the years; Sweetie: Brown (which is intersting since JuneBug's hair is showing some red, brown, and blonde
Eye color: Me: Brown; Sweetie: eyes are dark hazel (almost brown) (it is amazing that our JuneBug still has her blue eyes - the doctor thinks they might stay that way - we really don't care either way, just very interesting)
Number of siblings: Me: One brother; Sweetie: One Sister
Glasses/contacts: Me: Both, but have not been wearing either for most of my maternity leave; Sweetie: He has perfect vision
Piercings: Me: Currently - three in my left ear and two in my right. And the truth comes out - Have had many others in the past and took out in 2003; Sweetie: None
Tattoos: Me: One on my ankle of roses. Another coming soon that will match my Sweetie; Sweetie: none yet, but is getting one soon that will match me :-)
Braces?: Both: No - hopefully JuneBug will not need them because of this
Color: Me: Yellow, Blue - mostly I like color, it depends on my mood; Sweetie: Red and Black
Band: Me: Sarah McLachlan; Sweetie: no real favorite band, mostly likes trance and arias
Song: Me: Answer - Sarah McLachlan; Sweetie: Yanni's Aria (has very special meaning for us *wink wink*)
Stuffed animal: Me: My Pooh Bear that I slept with until my JuneBug arrived - now I think about it, why have I not slept with it sense, hmmmm maybe she is my live doll; Sweetie: Snowbear
Video game: Me: I like games like Bejewled and Tetris. Although it is fun to watch my Sweetie play FFXI; Sweetie: FFXI
TV show: Both: Medium, Scrubs, and Gilmore Girls
Movie: Both: Eternal Sunshine of the spotted mind, Fight Club, American Beauty - can you see a trend, we like movies that mess with your mind and that have a twist at the end
Book: Me: Jennifer Governemnt, Summer Sisters, and yes Harry Potter; Sweetie: Lord of the Flies
Food: Me: Chocolate; Sweetie: Greens like turnup greens and spinach
Game on a cell phone: Both: Don't play games on our cell phones
CD cover: Me: Mirrorball; Sweetie: Enigma #4
Flower: Me: Daisy; Sweetie: Calla Lilly
Scent: Me: Musky smells like Moonlight Path by bath and body works; Sweetie: Citrus smells
Animal: Me: Although an insect, I will go with Butterfly; Sweetie: Cat
Comic book: Me: We have not had our comic book subscriptions in a long time. However, back in the day when the comic coffins were open I loved Bone; Sweetie: He now reads on-line comics and loves VG-Cats
Cereal: Me: I am not a big cereal eater, I guess I would say Captain Crunch; Sweetie: Frosted Mini Wheats
Website: Me: hard question, I know too many designers to answer without getting hurt - lately I have spent a lot of time on blogger and weight watchers; Sweetie: Apple and for design Design Chapel
Cartoon: Both: Zim
Play an instrument: Me: Back in the day before I was kicked out of band, I played the Trumpet, French Horn, and some percussion; Sweetie: Percussion in Junior High
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week: Both: Although the TV may be on for that amount while I have been on maternity leave, we do not watch it that much.
Like to sing: Both: Yes, but we are no good. Although I think we sounded wonderful at the Sarah concert singing Icecream. Now we mostly sing to our JuneBug.
Have a job: Me: Yes; Sweetie: Working on it
Have a cell phone: Both: Yes.
Like to play sports: Me: I like my walking; Sweetie: He was in gymnastics in High School and College and then became a black belt in TaeKwonDo
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Both: no
Have a crush on someone: Both: Not anyone who we can "get", LOL. But we do have our lamanated list of allowable "others" hehe
Live somewhere NOT in the united states: Both: Nope.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house: Both: Nope, only three
Have any special talents/skills: Me: I am good at planning and being anal (is that a special skill? Hello my special skill is being Type A, LOL); Sweetie: He is a wonderful designer
Excercise daily: Both: We are trying - two days in a row has to count as something
Like school: Me: I love school, I might just have to become a teacher to get back into it, although I am thinking about taking some classes, would mean student loan payments would not be due yet; Sweetie: He thought it was ok.
Sing the alphabet backwards: Me: I think I could if I tried; Sweetie - yes, although not as successful when he attempted it at his b-day party
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes: Both: Yes
Speak any other languages: Me: I took two years of German in High School - I can say "I love you" and "Thank you" haha; Sweetie: Always trying to learn more Japanese
Go a day without food: Both: No, and why would we. Although lately we do eat at strange schedules, there is always some food consumption during the day.
Stay up for more than 24 hours: Me: Nope, not now anyways; Sweetie: Did it on Sunday night
Read music, not just tabs: Me: Yes; Sweetie: somewhat
Roll your tongue: Me: Yes; Sweetie: Yes, and can make a clover and turn his tongue over, he is very talented.
Eat a whole pizza: Me: Noway and not because of the points; Sweetie: I am sure of it
Snuck out of the house: Both: Yes but me more often
Cried to get out of trouble: Me: I am a girl, of course; Sweetie: I am sure as a kid
Gotten lost in your city: Both: Yes
Seen a shooting star: Both: Yes.
Been to any other countries: Both: Yes
Had a serious surgery: Me: yes, I would say a c-section is serious; Sweetie: No
Stolen something important from someone else: Me: no; Sweetie: Yes
Solved a rubiks cube: Me: No, never had the motivation; Sweeetie: Yes, he toyed with speed cubing a few years ago 2001
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Both: Yes, we like to wear PJ's to my mom's for Christmas day
Cried over a girl: Both: Yes but for different reasons
Cried over a boy: Me: Yes; Sweetie: No
Kissed a random stranger: Both: No but ask us again after Carnaval
Hugged a random stranger: Both: No, but again ask after Carnaval
Been in a fist fight: Me: No; Sweetie: Yes
Been arrested: Me: no, but was picked up by the cops once; Sweetie: No
Done drugs: Both: We tried pot a couple of times but it never did anything for either of us so we stick to alcohol.
Had alcohol: Both: Yes, and both have had way too much LOL
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose: Both: Yes
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator: Both: we are not sure
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc - Both: We think so in college - wow we are good aren't we
Swore at your parents: Both: in front of them, yes
Kicked a guy where it hurts: Both: No
Been in love: Both: Over 13 years now
Been close to love: Me: Yes; Sweetie: No - he says except for when he first met me and was not completely and totally in love yet
Been to a casino: Both: Yes
Ran over an animal and killed it: Both: Yes
Broken a bone: Me: Both wrists and finger; Sweetie: Clavical
Gotten stitches: Both: Yes
Had a waterballoon fight in winter: Both: No, but now my Sweetie is thinking that would be a good idea, I better watch out closer to our anniversary
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: Both: No, it is impossible to not throw it up
Made homemade muffins: Me: Yes; Sweetie: homemade biscuits - does that count for anything?
Bitten someone: Both: Not in a hurtful way - hehe
Been to disneyland/disneyworld: Me: Disney World for our Honeymoon although I want to go to Disney Land very soon; Sweetie: Both
More than 5 times: Both: No; But Six Flags: Yes
Been to Niagra falls: Both: No
Burped in someones face: Both: yes and in each other's haha
Brushed your teeth: Me: Tonight after my shower; Sweetie: this morning
Saw a movie in theaters: Both: When we saw Howl's Moving Castle
Read a book: Me: Finished Harry Potter Book 5 today; Sweetie: finished Harry Potter 6 on Saturday
Had a snow day: Both: January 2003
Had a party: Both: Aug 6th for Sweetie's B-day
Had a slumber party: Me: forever ago, too long really - I need to plan one with my girlfriends; Sweetie: as a kid, but guys don't call them slumber parties
Made fun of someone: Both: honest? yesterday
Tripped in front of someone: Both: have no idea
Went to the grocery store: Me: a couple of hours ago when I got pop tarts; Sweetie: Sunday before last
Got sick: Me: Sept with food poisoning; Sweetie: Last summer
Cursed: Both: Oh Hell, We don't know; Crap, does this count? OK this is a bad habbit of both of ours, we have to get better or JuneBug's first word is going to be something bad.
Fruit/vegetables: Me: right now vegetables; Sweetie: Fruit
Black/white: Both: Black
Lights on/lights off: Both: Off - but on is nice too
TV/movie: Both: Movie
Car/truck: Both: Car.
Body spray/lotion: Both: Body Spray
Cash/check: Both:Cash
Pillows/blankets: Me: Blankets; Sweetie: Pillows
Headache/stomach ache: Me: Stomach ache, I get migranes so no headaches for me; Sweetie: Headache - he is lucky no migraines
Paint/charcoal: Both: Paint
Chinese food/mexican food: Both: Chinese - at our favorite place of course
Summer/winter: Both: Winter - but Texas Winter mind you
Snow/rain: Both: Rain.
Fog/misty: Both: Fog.
Rock/rap: Both: Rock.
Meat/vegetarian: Both: Meat
Chocolate/vanilla: Both: Chocolate
Sprinkles/icing: Me: Icing; Sweetie: Sprinkles
Cake/pie:: cake
French toast/french fries: Both: Both
Strawberries/blueberries: Both: Strawberries - although I do not have the problem with blueberries that my Sweetie has
Ocean/swimming pool: Both: Pool
Cookies/muffins: Both: Cookies, although my Sweetie loves it when I make him muffins
Wallet/pocket: Both: Wallet
Window/door: Both: depends, are you trying to leave or look through something
Pink/purple: Me: Both; Sweetie: Purple
Cat/dog: Both: Cat.
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Me: 3/4; Sweetie: Long
Pants/shorts: Both: Pants.
Winter break/spring break: Both: Spring Break
Spring/autumn: Both: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky: Both: Cloudy
Moon/mars: Me: either; Sweetie: Mars
Have you ever been in love: Both: Yes, as answered above
If you have, with who: Me: my Sweetie; Sweetie: Me
Are you single: Both: No
Are you in a relationship: Both: Married.
If so, for how long: Both: over 13 years
Do you believe there is someone for everyone: Both: Yes
What is your idea of the best date: Both: spending time with my each other doing things that show how well we know each other, this can be a movie, wildflower center, dinner, playing monopoly, or just talking;
How old were you when you got your first kiss: French? Both: grade school
Do you think love is a load of shit: Both: I sure hope not or else we are in it deep, get the high boots
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite sex: Me: standing in the parking lot of the doctor's office after finding out we were expecting JuneBug, my Sweetie picked me up and kissed me; Sweetie: he wants to claim this one as well but add that he loves when we go to concerts and art museums
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before: Both: while not single now, yes we had other boyfriends/girlfriends
Have you ever been dumped: Both: Yes.
Have you ever dumped someone: Both: Yes
Whats the most sexual thing you've done with the opposite sex: Both: create life
Your full name: Me: Melissa; Sweetie: Terry
Age: Me: 28; Sweetie: 30
Height: Me: 5'0"; Sweetie: 5'10"
Natural hair color: Me: Dark Blonde/Light Brown - My hair has naturally darkened over the years; Sweetie: Brown (which is intersting since JuneBug's hair is showing some red, brown, and blonde
Eye color: Me: Brown; Sweetie: eyes are dark hazel (almost brown) (it is amazing that our JuneBug still has her blue eyes - the doctor thinks they might stay that way - we really don't care either way, just very interesting)
Number of siblings: Me: One brother; Sweetie: One Sister
Glasses/contacts: Me: Both, but have not been wearing either for most of my maternity leave; Sweetie: He has perfect vision
Piercings: Me: Currently - three in my left ear and two in my right. And the truth comes out - Have had many others in the past and took out in 2003; Sweetie: None
Tattoos: Me: One on my ankle of roses. Another coming soon that will match my Sweetie; Sweetie: none yet, but is getting one soon that will match me :-)
Braces?: Both: No - hopefully JuneBug will not need them because of this
Color: Me: Yellow, Blue - mostly I like color, it depends on my mood; Sweetie: Red and Black
Band: Me: Sarah McLachlan; Sweetie: no real favorite band, mostly likes trance and arias
Song: Me: Answer - Sarah McLachlan; Sweetie: Yanni's Aria (has very special meaning for us *wink wink*)
Stuffed animal: Me: My Pooh Bear that I slept with until my JuneBug arrived - now I think about it, why have I not slept with it sense, hmmmm maybe she is my live doll; Sweetie: Snowbear
Video game: Me: I like games like Bejewled and Tetris. Although it is fun to watch my Sweetie play FFXI; Sweetie: FFXI
TV show: Both: Medium, Scrubs, and Gilmore Girls
Movie: Both: Eternal Sunshine of the spotted mind, Fight Club, American Beauty - can you see a trend, we like movies that mess with your mind and that have a twist at the end
Book: Me: Jennifer Governemnt, Summer Sisters, and yes Harry Potter; Sweetie: Lord of the Flies
Food: Me: Chocolate; Sweetie: Greens like turnup greens and spinach
Game on a cell phone: Both: Don't play games on our cell phones
CD cover: Me: Mirrorball; Sweetie: Enigma #4
Flower: Me: Daisy; Sweetie: Calla Lilly
Scent: Me: Musky smells like Moonlight Path by bath and body works; Sweetie: Citrus smells
Animal: Me: Although an insect, I will go with Butterfly; Sweetie: Cat
Comic book: Me: We have not had our comic book subscriptions in a long time. However, back in the day when the comic coffins were open I loved Bone; Sweetie: He now reads on-line comics and loves VG-Cats
Cereal: Me: I am not a big cereal eater, I guess I would say Captain Crunch; Sweetie: Frosted Mini Wheats
Website: Me: hard question, I know too many designers to answer without getting hurt - lately I have spent a lot of time on blogger and weight watchers; Sweetie: Apple and for design Design Chapel
Cartoon: Both: Zim
Play an instrument: Me: Back in the day before I was kicked out of band, I played the Trumpet, French Horn, and some percussion; Sweetie: Percussion in Junior High
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week: Both: Although the TV may be on for that amount while I have been on maternity leave, we do not watch it that much.
Like to sing: Both: Yes, but we are no good. Although I think we sounded wonderful at the Sarah concert singing Icecream. Now we mostly sing to our JuneBug.
Have a job: Me: Yes; Sweetie: Working on it
Have a cell phone: Both: Yes.
Like to play sports: Me: I like my walking; Sweetie: He was in gymnastics in High School and College and then became a black belt in TaeKwonDo
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Both: no
Have a crush on someone: Both: Not anyone who we can "get", LOL. But we do have our lamanated list of allowable "others" hehe
Live somewhere NOT in the united states: Both: Nope.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house: Both: Nope, only three
Have any special talents/skills: Me: I am good at planning and being anal (is that a special skill? Hello my special skill is being Type A, LOL); Sweetie: He is a wonderful designer
Excercise daily: Both: We are trying - two days in a row has to count as something
Like school: Me: I love school, I might just have to become a teacher to get back into it, although I am thinking about taking some classes, would mean student loan payments would not be due yet; Sweetie: He thought it was ok.
Sing the alphabet backwards: Me: I think I could if I tried; Sweetie - yes, although not as successful when he attempted it at his b-day party
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes: Both: Yes
Speak any other languages: Me: I took two years of German in High School - I can say "I love you" and "Thank you" haha; Sweetie: Always trying to learn more Japanese
Go a day without food: Both: No, and why would we. Although lately we do eat at strange schedules, there is always some food consumption during the day.
Stay up for more than 24 hours: Me: Nope, not now anyways; Sweetie: Did it on Sunday night
Read music, not just tabs: Me: Yes; Sweetie: somewhat
Roll your tongue: Me: Yes; Sweetie: Yes, and can make a clover and turn his tongue over, he is very talented.
Eat a whole pizza: Me: Noway and not because of the points; Sweetie: I am sure of it
Snuck out of the house: Both: Yes but me more often
Cried to get out of trouble: Me: I am a girl, of course; Sweetie: I am sure as a kid
Gotten lost in your city: Both: Yes
Seen a shooting star: Both: Yes.
Been to any other countries: Both: Yes
Had a serious surgery: Me: yes, I would say a c-section is serious; Sweetie: No
Stolen something important from someone else: Me: no; Sweetie: Yes
Solved a rubiks cube: Me: No, never had the motivation; Sweeetie: Yes, he toyed with speed cubing a few years ago 2001
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Both: Yes, we like to wear PJ's to my mom's for Christmas day
Cried over a girl: Both: Yes but for different reasons
Cried over a boy: Me: Yes; Sweetie: No
Kissed a random stranger: Both: No but ask us again after Carnaval
Hugged a random stranger: Both: No, but again ask after Carnaval
Been in a fist fight: Me: No; Sweetie: Yes
Been arrested: Me: no, but was picked up by the cops once; Sweetie: No
Done drugs: Both: We tried pot a couple of times but it never did anything for either of us so we stick to alcohol.
Had alcohol: Both: Yes, and both have had way too much LOL
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose: Both: Yes
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator: Both: we are not sure
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc - Both: We think so in college - wow we are good aren't we
Swore at your parents: Both: in front of them, yes
Kicked a guy where it hurts: Both: No
Been in love: Both: Over 13 years now
Been close to love: Me: Yes; Sweetie: No - he says except for when he first met me and was not completely and totally in love yet
Been to a casino: Both: Yes
Ran over an animal and killed it: Both: Yes
Broken a bone: Me: Both wrists and finger; Sweetie: Clavical
Gotten stitches: Both: Yes
Had a waterballoon fight in winter: Both: No, but now my Sweetie is thinking that would be a good idea, I better watch out closer to our anniversary
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: Both: No, it is impossible to not throw it up
Made homemade muffins: Me: Yes; Sweetie: homemade biscuits - does that count for anything?
Bitten someone: Both: Not in a hurtful way - hehe
Been to disneyland/disneyworld: Me: Disney World for our Honeymoon although I want to go to Disney Land very soon; Sweetie: Both
More than 5 times: Both: No; But Six Flags: Yes
Been to Niagra falls: Both: No
Burped in someones face: Both: yes and in each other's haha
Brushed your teeth: Me: Tonight after my shower; Sweetie: this morning
Saw a movie in theaters: Both: When we saw Howl's Moving Castle
Read a book: Me: Finished Harry Potter Book 5 today; Sweetie: finished Harry Potter 6 on Saturday
Had a snow day: Both: January 2003
Had a party: Both: Aug 6th for Sweetie's B-day
Had a slumber party: Me: forever ago, too long really - I need to plan one with my girlfriends; Sweetie: as a kid, but guys don't call them slumber parties
Made fun of someone: Both: honest? yesterday
Tripped in front of someone: Both: have no idea
Went to the grocery store: Me: a couple of hours ago when I got pop tarts; Sweetie: Sunday before last
Got sick: Me: Sept with food poisoning; Sweetie: Last summer
Cursed: Both: Oh Hell, We don't know; Crap, does this count? OK this is a bad habbit of both of ours, we have to get better or JuneBug's first word is going to be something bad.
Fruit/vegetables: Me: right now vegetables; Sweetie: Fruit
Black/white: Both: Black
Lights on/lights off: Both: Off - but on is nice too
TV/movie: Both: Movie
Car/truck: Both: Car.
Body spray/lotion: Both: Body Spray
Cash/check: Both:Cash
Pillows/blankets: Me: Blankets; Sweetie: Pillows
Headache/stomach ache: Me: Stomach ache, I get migranes so no headaches for me; Sweetie: Headache - he is lucky no migraines
Paint/charcoal: Both: Paint
Chinese food/mexican food: Both: Chinese - at our favorite place of course
Summer/winter: Both: Winter - but Texas Winter mind you
Snow/rain: Both: Rain.
Fog/misty: Both: Fog.
Rock/rap: Both: Rock.
Meat/vegetarian: Both: Meat
Chocolate/vanilla: Both: Chocolate
Sprinkles/icing: Me: Icing; Sweetie: Sprinkles
Cake/pie:: cake
French toast/french fries: Both: Both
Strawberries/blueberries: Both: Strawberries - although I do not have the problem with blueberries that my Sweetie has
Ocean/swimming pool: Both: Pool
Cookies/muffins: Both: Cookies, although my Sweetie loves it when I make him muffins
Wallet/pocket: Both: Wallet
Window/door: Both: depends, are you trying to leave or look through something
Pink/purple: Me: Both; Sweetie: Purple
Cat/dog: Both: Cat.
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Me: 3/4; Sweetie: Long
Pants/shorts: Both: Pants.
Winter break/spring break: Both: Spring Break
Spring/autumn: Both: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky: Both: Cloudy
Moon/mars: Me: either; Sweetie: Mars
Have you ever been in love: Both: Yes, as answered above
If you have, with who: Me: my Sweetie; Sweetie: Me
Are you single: Both: No
Are you in a relationship: Both: Married.
If so, for how long: Both: over 13 years
Do you believe there is someone for everyone: Both: Yes
What is your idea of the best date: Both: spending time with my each other doing things that show how well we know each other, this can be a movie, wildflower center, dinner, playing monopoly, or just talking;
How old were you when you got your first kiss: French? Both: grade school
Do you think love is a load of shit: Both: I sure hope not or else we are in it deep, get the high boots
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite sex: Me: standing in the parking lot of the doctor's office after finding out we were expecting JuneBug, my Sweetie picked me up and kissed me; Sweetie: he wants to claim this one as well but add that he loves when we go to concerts and art museums
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before: Both: while not single now, yes we had other boyfriends/girlfriends
Have you ever been dumped: Both: Yes.
Have you ever dumped someone: Both: Yes
Whats the most sexual thing you've done with the opposite sex: Both: create life
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