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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Quiz about me

I found this on another site and thought it was funny. Let's see how well you know me.

1) Where did I meet my husband?
2) Which ankle has a ring of roses?
3) What is a memory of daycare?
4) Where did I go on my first plane ride?
5) What is my favorite ice-cream and why?
6) What movie did my mom and I watch over and over until we knew lines in 1993?
7) What was my first job?
8) What was my first major?
9) Where was our honeymoon?
10) What was so neat about when and where I had Bug?
11) What is my favorite time of year?
12) Why did we get married when we did, as in the date?
13) Who gave me the nickname, Mouse?
14) What did I get for my Sweet 16 present from my dad?
15) What is the best morning trip memory with my Grandpa?
16) What is our Halloween tradition that passed from my Grandmother?
17) What do I consider the holiday season?
18) What is my worst habit?
19) What instruments did I always want to learn?
20) Who was my favorite childhood author?
BONUS QUESTION - What is the funniest memory regarding our honeymoon?

1) hot tub
2) right
3) it got dark due to a storm and I thought they forgot me
4) Jamaica
5) tin roof - my grandpa loved it
6) Steel Magnolias
7) working in my parent's office
8) psychology
9) Disney World, next stop Disney Land
10) same age and same place as my mom
11) fall
12) It was scheduled around Sweetie's semesters so that we could get married and have a week long honeymoon.
13) My dad gave it to me because I squeaked as a baby
14) a string of pearls.
15) getting up to watch hot air balloons take off
16) chili for dinner on Halloween
17) Nov 12 - Jan 3
18) biting fingernails
19) flute and guitar
20) Judy Blume
Bonus Answer: you are looking here for an answer to this? Fine. Sweetie and I were at the front of Epcot waiting for a bus to Down Town Disney. It was taking too long so my Sweetie said "let's walk, it's not far". I will never let him live that down. It was a long walk. Although few sidewalks, there was much grass to walk on that night. It was the best time. Even now when he swears something isn't far, I have to bring up that night. To which he always replies "you had fun, right?"

Monday, September 19, 2005

56 Questions Stolen From Someone else -

1. Nervous habits - Biting my nails...

2. Are you double jointed - No

3. Can you roll your tongue - yes

4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time - yes, I think so - let me try.... hold on....hehe

5. Can you blow spit bubbles - yes

6. Can you cross your eyes - yes

7. Tattoos - Yes, two that I adore - one or two more to follow

8. Piercing - ears - two in each - used to have many more

9. Do you make your bed daily - nope


10. Which shoe goes on first? the shoe that is closest

11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? I don't know - think I would remember if I did....

12. On the average, how much money do you carry? usually some change and my debit card - I know that is bad

13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7 - my wedding/engagement rings and my ring from Terry for graduation, used to wear my dad's cross but when I was pregnant I couldn't stand anything around my neck

14. Favorite piece of clothing-my skirt that I can wear again


15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it - Both

16. Have you ever eaten Spam - Yes, and I like it, or I did, my stomach might not like it anymore

17. Do you use extra salt on your food -mostly no, but for rice and watermelon

18. How many cereals in your cabinet -I think 3 at the moment, but they are Sweetie's

19. What's your favorite beverage - Big Red

20. What's your favorite fast food restaurant - Wendy's

21. Do you cook - I used to......


22. How often do you brush your teeth - at least once a day

23. Hair drying method - air dry

24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair - yep both


25. Do you swear - yes, but working on not doing it so much

26. Do you ever spit - only when long distance walking - it is something that you have to do

27. Animal - kitties and many

28. Food - Chocolate

29. Month - November, my b-day month - although June is a second favorite again

30. Day - Saturday - But Tuesday is World Domination Tuesday

31. Cartoon - Zim

32. Shoe brand - Inexpensive and comfortable

33. Subject in school - Math, but I love history

34. Color -color, purple, orange, yellow - depends on my mood

35. Sport - gymnastics

36. TV shows - Medium, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs

37. Thing to do in the spring - walk

38. Thing to do in the summer - anything indoors

39. Thing to do in the autumn - eat chili, celebrate b-day, and walk in the cool air

40. Thing to do in the winter - snuggle

41. In the CD player - Sarch McLachlan both remixes, arias and some CD of my Sweetie's

42. Person you talk most on the phone with - My mom

43. Reading - Now I am not reading anything except CPA review

44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors -yes and I look good ;-)

45. What color is your bedroom - White - it is soon to have color

46. Do you use an alarm clock -yes

47. Window seat or aisle - Aisle on day flight (bad motion sickness, my Sweetie gets it too, poor bug is destined), window on night flights

48. What's your sleeping position - back, side, somtach, back, side, stomach, on a cat, on a Sweetie

49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket - Yes my Sweetie likes a fan on us

50. Do you snore - Not that I know of, lol

51. Do you sleepwalk - I did as a kid

52. Do you talk in your sleep - nope but Sweetie does

53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals - did until had Bug

54. How about with the light on - only when Bug sleeps with us, then the bathroom light is on

55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on - Sometimes

56. Last interesting person you met - my Bug

Thursday, September 08, 2005

About me

I got this idea from DallasKS:

i am not: always confident when confronting people, but I am working on it
i love: my family, friend's, and daughter
i hate: people who hurt children - I just do not understand it
i fear: I will lose family members
i hope: Bug will be healthy and confident
i hear: confusion, distraction, fear, and anger in our world these days
i crave: chocolate - duh!
i regret: Even with the everything in my life, I try not to have any regrets. I even have a book on how to let go of regrets.
i cry: when I think of painful events, when I miss my dad, and at love sappy movies
i care: about my friends that are not getting along - I want to make it better
i always: Tell my Sweetie I love him everyday
i believe: faith is important in life, however, I am not here to judge what you believe
i feel alone: when I am depressed
i listen: to Sarah McLachlan (new CD to get), and many others
i hide: I try to hide my fears, stresses, and when I am less than perfect
i drive: a green RAV4
i sing: all the time, to my cats and Bug, when I am in the car, or whenever - but never at work
i dance: randomly in my house - normally some modern dance moves I learned back in the day
i write: blogging is my main writing, I also write poetry - just for me, I long to write things that will help people
i play: munchkin, phase 10, tetris type games
i miss: my father, my grandfather, old friends (even ones who hurt me, I miss them on a care for them level)
i search: for ways to improve myself
i learn: everyday, I love learning, right now is the CPA
i feel: confident most of the time now, this is a big improvement from a few years ago
i know: I am a great friend, and someone people like
i saw: the meaning of life in my daughter's eyes
i succeed: when I put my mind to it
i dream: of reconciling accounts during close and of running
i wonder: If I really can pass the CPA the first time
i want: paint my bedroom
i have: everything I need
i give: to charities I feel strongly about
i fight: depression
i need: only my family and friends

Thursday, September 01, 2005

More about me

North West, Portland area

All kinds, depends on my mood. Right now I am in a Venus Hum kind of mood. Also love Sarah Mclachlan, Tori Amos, Chicago, Allison Kraus, and soundtrack to Run Lola Run

Set of Arias, next one will be Sarah McLachlan on Tuesday

Both, I like the morning, but love to play like a kid and stay up late

Favorite of all time - Pretty In Pink

I played the Trumpet and French Horn - loved the french horn. Want to play the piano and guitar - I have my dad's and hate that they are not being used.

Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink

SUV - but not the gas mileage

I better. My Sweetie is highly romantic. Paper Daisies, Wood Carving, small pieces of paper with reasons he loves name a few

Fall. Born in November and that is my favorite time of year. I love overcast days and rain.

The power to create world peace.

But less cheesy = I want the power to be able to protect my daughter from all harm or pain for the rest of her life.

Roses around my right ankle and butterfly on my left

NO way - but my Sweetie can


This one is hard, only one. I would want to talk to my Dad or Grandfather again. Man how I miss them now.

Tuesday - World Domination Day and the day I met my little girl


Oh Sushi sounds so good right now


Have to. My husband went home the day he met me and told his parents he met the girl he was going to marry- he was 16.

That is hard too. Honestly anything my Sweetie and I make together.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

100 things about me

I was a bicentennial baby
Never lived more than 15 miles from the hospital I was born
I can be very silly
I can be very serious
I believe in comfort over fashion
I am 5'
I met my husband when I was 15
Married when I was 21
our honeymoon was at Disney World, it was wonderful
we are still together and are very happy
in fact happier than we have ever been
I am very close to my family
and often try to solve all their problems - rarely does this happen
I had four majors before deciding on accounting
I still long to do something with psychology
I was the first in my family to earn a college degree
Daisies are my favorite flower
Butterflies are also my favorite
they tend to follow me during stressful/emotional times
Did not ride a roller coaster until I was 16
It was the Texas Giant in Six Flags in Dallas
First airplane trip was was I was 18
It was my first time to leave the state of Texas and the country
When I am stressed I am obsessive about biting off all my nails
When I am writing a paper I am the same way about my toe nails
no, I do not bite them - I have to clip them
although I could physically bite my big toe nail before pregnancy
even with being overweight
I do not smoke
although I have smoked and "smoked" in the past
but never as a habit or on a consistent basis - purely social for both
and did not try "smoking" until I was 22 - I didn't care for it
I have never tried anything harder
I do not drink coffee in the mornings
instead I crave cold water and drink it all day
I like to drink Shirley Temples
They remind me of my Grandpa
As well as Tin Roof Ice-cream and Root Beer Floats
I received my love for ice-cream from him
I only drink alcohol on a social basis
and when this happens it is normally way too much
I am a "love everyone" drunk
I have lost more family members than currently survive
With every loss I try to focus on improving my life
when we lost my father-in-law my husband, then fiancee, and I moved in together
when we lost my father we moved up the wedding
when we lost my grandpa is when I started looking at going back to school
although it took a year before I got my butt in gear
I love being married
we have grown from mistakes
once you realize you really are with a person by choice - things can't help but improve
I know I am free to leave - I want to stay
I like watching stupid tv reruns before going to bed
I like thunder storms
I sing in the mornings - not only in the shower
mostly made up songs to the cats, husband, and daughter
I have six cats - yes way too many
we wanted to wait until after I completed my education for children
I think we will be better parents for it
I graduated with my MBA when I am 36 weeks pregnant
I suffer from, and fight, depression
I do not like to use medication
It makes me feel numb
when I am upset, I tend to keep it in and try to stay away from others
a stress relief tool for me is a nice bubble bath or a long walk
One of my biggest accomplishments is financial independence
I sleep with a stuffed pooh bear
I get teary eyed with the national anthem
I use music as therapy
Such as Chicago, Tori Amos, and Sarah McLachlan
During hard times I listen to one album over and over
This repetition also works with movies
my mother and I reached a point of quoting lines from Steel Magnolias
it is how we bonded after my grandmother's death
I have completed two half marathons for charity
these were huge accomplishments
My husband met me on the course of the second and cheered me on until the end
I want a job that helps the community
my favorite thing in the world is being in my husband's arms
there is nothing more comforting to me - regardless of the situation
I am short enough that he can rest his chin on my head when he holds me
I am more of a morning person than a night owl
however, I have trouble getting myself to go to bed early
I love to take naps
I can sleep anywhere
unless it is the middle of the night and an Abby cat is meowing constantly
I can stress about anything
I like instant gratification
I am very close to my mom
But I am more like my grandmother
I wish I was closer to my brother - I am working on this one
I want to live in other parts of the country
but not yet, my family needs me here
I want to be a better person (mother, daughter, wife, friend, sister)
I do not have many good friends
But the ones I have mean the world to me
My friends now would never betray me - as I have experienced in the past
I believe in fate and in soul mates
I do not hold grudges, rather I try to focus on forgiveness.
I am a hypocrite and I admit it

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Silly Quiz About Me and Sweetie

OK I am having some fun tonight, I am going to answer these questions about me as well as my Sweetie.

Your full name: Me: Melissa; Sweetie: Terry
Age: Me: 28; Sweetie: 30
Height: Me: 5'0"; Sweetie: 5'10"
Natural hair color: Me: Dark Blonde/Light Brown - My hair has naturally darkened over the years; Sweetie: Brown (which is intersting since JuneBug's hair is showing some red, brown, and blonde
Eye color: Me: Brown; Sweetie: eyes are dark hazel (almost brown) (it is amazing that our JuneBug still has her blue eyes - the doctor thinks they might stay that way - we really don't care either way, just very interesting)
Number of siblings: Me: One brother; Sweetie: One Sister
Glasses/contacts: Me: Both, but have not been wearing either for most of my maternity leave; Sweetie: He has perfect vision
Piercings: Me: Currently - three in my left ear and two in my right. And the truth comes out - Have had many others in the past and took out in 2003; Sweetie: None
Tattoos: Me: One on my ankle of roses. Another coming soon that will match my Sweetie; Sweetie: none yet, but is getting one soon that will match me :-)
Braces?: Both: No - hopefully JuneBug will not need them because of this

Color: Me: Yellow, Blue - mostly I like color, it depends on my mood; Sweetie: Red and Black
Band: Me: Sarah McLachlan; Sweetie: no real favorite band, mostly likes trance and arias
Song: Me: Answer - Sarah McLachlan; Sweetie: Yanni's Aria (has very special meaning for us *wink wink*)
Stuffed animal: Me: My Pooh Bear that I slept with until my JuneBug arrived - now I think about it, why have I not slept with it sense, hmmmm maybe she is my live doll; Sweetie: Snowbear
Video game: Me: I like games like Bejewled and Tetris. Although it is fun to watch my Sweetie play FFXI; Sweetie: FFXI
TV show: Both: Medium, Scrubs, and Gilmore Girls
Movie: Both: Eternal Sunshine of the spotted mind, Fight Club, American Beauty - can you see a trend, we like movies that mess with your mind and that have a twist at the end
Book: Me: Jennifer Governemnt, Summer Sisters, and yes Harry Potter; Sweetie: Lord of the Flies
Food: Me: Chocolate; Sweetie: Greens like turnup greens and spinach
Game on a cell phone: Both: Don't play games on our cell phones
CD cover: Me: Mirrorball; Sweetie: Enigma #4
Flower: Me: Daisy; Sweetie: Calla Lilly
Scent: Me: Musky smells like Moonlight Path by bath and body works; Sweetie: Citrus smells
Animal: Me: Although an insect, I will go with Butterfly; Sweetie: Cat
Comic book: Me: We have not had our comic book subscriptions in a long time. However, back in the day when the comic coffins were open I loved Bone; Sweetie: He now reads on-line comics and loves VG-Cats
Cereal: Me: I am not a big cereal eater, I guess I would say Captain Crunch; Sweetie: Frosted Mini Wheats
Website: Me: hard question, I know too many designers to answer without getting hurt - lately I have spent a lot of time on blogger and weight watchers; Sweetie: Apple and for design Design Chapel
Cartoon: Both: Zim

Play an instrument: Me: Back in the day before I was kicked out of band, I played the Trumpet, French Horn, and some percussion; Sweetie: Percussion in Junior High
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week: Both: Although the TV may be on for that amount while I have been on maternity leave, we do not watch it that much.
Like to sing: Both: Yes, but we are no good. Although I think we sounded wonderful at the Sarah concert singing Icecream. Now we mostly sing to our JuneBug.
Have a job: Me: Yes; Sweetie: Working on it
Have a cell phone: Both: Yes.
Like to play sports: Me: I like my walking; Sweetie: He was in gymnastics in High School and College and then became a black belt in TaeKwonDo
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Both: no
Have a crush on someone: Both: Not anyone who we can "get", LOL. But we do have our lamanated list of allowable "others" hehe
Live somewhere NOT in the united states: Both: Nope.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house: Both: Nope, only three
Have any special talents/skills: Me: I am good at planning and being anal (is that a special skill? Hello my special skill is being Type A, LOL); Sweetie: He is a wonderful designer
Excercise daily: Both: We are trying - two days in a row has to count as something
Like school: Me: I love school, I might just have to become a teacher to get back into it, although I am thinking about taking some classes, would mean student loan payments would not be due yet; Sweetie: He thought it was ok.


Sing the alphabet backwards: Me: I think I could if I tried; Sweetie - yes, although not as successful when he attempted it at his b-day party
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes: Both: Yes
Speak any other languages: Me: I took two years of German in High School - I can say "I love you" and "Thank you" haha; Sweetie: Always trying to learn more Japanese
Go a day without food: Both: No, and why would we. Although lately we do eat at strange schedules, there is always some food consumption during the day.
Stay up for more than 24 hours: Me: Nope, not now anyways; Sweetie: Did it on Sunday night
Read music, not just tabs: Me: Yes; Sweetie: somewhat
Roll your tongue: Me: Yes; Sweetie: Yes, and can make a clover and turn his tongue over, he is very talented.
Eat a whole pizza: Me: Noway and not because of the points; Sweetie: I am sure of it

Snuck out of the house: Both: Yes but me more often
Cried to get out of trouble: Me: I am a girl, of course; Sweetie: I am sure as a kid
Gotten lost in your city: Both: Yes
Seen a shooting star: Both: Yes.
Been to any other countries: Both: Yes
Had a serious surgery: Me: yes, I would say a c-section is serious; Sweetie: No
Stolen something important from someone else: Me: no; Sweetie: Yes
Solved a rubiks cube: Me: No, never had the motivation; Sweeetie: Yes, he toyed with speed cubing a few years ago 2001
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Both: Yes, we like to wear PJ's to my mom's for Christmas day
Cried over a girl: Both: Yes but for different reasons
Cried over a boy: Me: Yes; Sweetie: No
Kissed a random stranger: Both: No but ask us again after Carnaval
Hugged a random stranger: Both: No, but again ask after Carnaval
Been in a fist fight: Me: No; Sweetie: Yes
Been arrested: Me: no, but was picked up by the cops once; Sweetie: No
Done drugs: Both: We tried pot a couple of times but it never did anything for either of us so we stick to alcohol.
Had alcohol: Both: Yes, and both have had way too much LOL
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose: Both: Yes
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator: Both: we are not sure
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc - Both: We think so in college - wow we are good aren't we
Swore at your parents: Both: in front of them, yes
Kicked a guy where it hurts: Both: No
Been in love: Both: Over 13 years now
Been close to love: Me: Yes; Sweetie: No - he says except for when he first met me and was not completely and totally in love yet
Been to a casino: Both: Yes
Ran over an animal and killed it: Both: Yes
Broken a bone: Me: Both wrists and finger; Sweetie: Clavical
Gotten stitches: Both: Yes
Had a waterballoon fight in winter: Both: No, but now my Sweetie is thinking that would be a good idea, I better watch out closer to our anniversary
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: Both: No, it is impossible to not throw it up
Made homemade muffins: Me: Yes; Sweetie: homemade biscuits - does that count for anything?
Bitten someone: Both: Not in a hurtful way - hehe
Been to disneyland/disneyworld: Me: Disney World for our Honeymoon although I want to go to Disney Land very soon; Sweetie: Both
More than 5 times: Both: No; But Six Flags: Yes
Been to Niagra falls: Both: No
Burped in someones face: Both: yes and in each other's haha


Brushed your teeth: Me: Tonight after my shower; Sweetie: this morning
Saw a movie in theaters: Both: When we saw Howl's Moving Castle
Read a book: Me: Finished Harry Potter Book 5 today; Sweetie: finished Harry Potter 6 on Saturday
Had a snow day: Both: January 2003
Had a party: Both: Aug 6th for Sweetie's B-day
Had a slumber party: Me: forever ago, too long really - I need to plan one with my girlfriends; Sweetie: as a kid, but guys don't call them slumber parties
Made fun of someone: Both: honest? yesterday
Tripped in front of someone: Both: have no idea
Went to the grocery store: Me: a couple of hours ago when I got pop tarts; Sweetie: Sunday before last
Got sick: Me: Sept with food poisoning; Sweetie: Last summer
Cursed: Both: Oh Hell, We don't know; Crap, does this count? OK this is a bad habbit of both of ours, we have to get better or JuneBug's first word is going to be something bad.

Fruit/vegetables: Me: right now vegetables; Sweetie: Fruit
Black/white: Both: Black
Lights on/lights off: Both: Off - but on is nice too
TV/movie: Both: Movie
Car/truck: Both: Car.
Body spray/lotion: Both: Body Spray
Cash/check: Both:Cash
Pillows/blankets: Me: Blankets; Sweetie: Pillows
Headache/stomach ache: Me: Stomach ache, I get migranes so no headaches for me; Sweetie: Headache - he is lucky no migraines
Paint/charcoal: Both: Paint
Chinese food/mexican food: Both: Chinese - at our favorite place of course
Summer/winter: Both: Winter - but Texas Winter mind you
Snow/rain: Both: Rain.
Fog/misty: Both: Fog.
Rock/rap: Both: Rock.
Meat/vegetarian: Both: Meat
Chocolate/vanilla: Both: Chocolate
Sprinkles/icing: Me: Icing; Sweetie: Sprinkles
Cake/pie:: cake
French toast/french fries: Both: Both
Strawberries/blueberries: Both: Strawberries - although I do not have the problem with blueberries that my Sweetie has
Ocean/swimming pool: Both: Pool
Cookies/muffins: Both: Cookies, although my Sweetie loves it when I make him muffins
Wallet/pocket: Both: Wallet
Window/door: Both: depends, are you trying to leave or look through something
Pink/purple: Me: Both; Sweetie: Purple
Cat/dog: Both: Cat.
Long sleeve/short sleeve: Me: 3/4; Sweetie: Long
Pants/shorts: Both: Pants.
Winter break/spring break: Both: Spring Break
Spring/autumn: Both: Autumn
Clouds/clear sky: Both: Cloudy
Moon/mars: Me: either; Sweetie: Mars


Have you ever been in love: Both: Yes, as answered above
If you have, with who: Me: my Sweetie; Sweetie: Me
Are you single: Both: No
Are you in a relationship: Both: Married.
If so, for how long: Both: over 13 years
Do you believe there is someone for everyone: Both: Yes
What is your idea of the best date: Both: spending time with my each other doing things that show how well we know each other, this can be a movie, wildflower center, dinner, playing monopoly, or just talking;
How old were you when you got your first kiss: French? Both: grade school
Do you think love is a load of shit: Both: I sure hope not or else we are in it deep, get the high boots
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite sex: Me: standing in the parking lot of the doctor's office after finding out we were expecting JuneBug, my Sweetie picked me up and kissed me; Sweetie: he wants to claim this one as well but add that he loves when we go to concerts and art museums
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before: Both: while not single now, yes we had other boyfriends/girlfriends
Have you ever been dumped: Both: Yes.
Have you ever dumped someone: Both: Yes
Whats the most sexual thing you've done with the opposite sex: Both: create life